Paint Stamps

I attempt to entertain Reagan’s requests to do various activities.  Lately, she has been asking to paint…’I paint’.  I’ve said this multiple times, but I really do need to get my butt in gear and get a variety of colors for my daughter to work with.  Blue and pink, although lovely, are getting a bit old.

Instead of pulling out the paint brushes, I decided that we would do some stamp painting with an apple, which turned into stamp painting with a potato, animal crackers and pretzels.  Who would have thought that food could be so much fun to paint with!  Our project got cut short, when daddy started watching a motorcycle race on the computer.  I was left high and dry by my 18 month old for her daddy and motorcycles… whatever floats her boat!


The potato, animal crackers and pretzels were afterthoughts, so they aren’t pictured with materials.



Paint- in our case…washable

Plate- or paint dish



Animal Crackers



Reagan and I talked about the color of the outside of the apple and the various colors on the inside of the apple.  We talked about the stem and the seeds and how apple trees grow from apple seeds!  I then attempted to sing her the Johhny Apple Seed Song, which I butchered, thank god for youtube!  The apple that I used was small, so Reagan was able to hold the cut half in her hand.  I showed Reagan what to do and off she went!


Earlier that day, I pulled out a bag of 6 or 7 potatoes that I had completely forgot about that needed to be trashed.  I brought one over to the table and talked to Reagan about why we couldn’t/shouldn’t eat the potato anymore.  I cut out different shapes and designs on various potato pieces to be used as stamps.



Reagan spotted a few pieces of her left over snack on the table and asked to paint with them…’I paint pretzel and manimals’. So we painted with pretzels and animals!


Reagan painted for about 20 minutes before she quickly moved to her daddy’s lap to watch motorcycle racing… a girl after her dads heart!

IMG_9214Excuse the random pizza slice…whatever it takes for Reagan to eat, even if it is while painting!

St. Patrick’s Day Treat… a few months late!


I made these  are a few months back to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at a shindig that a friend was hosting.  Even though I missed the boat on posting them for the holiday, these bite size treats could be made year round for a variety of festivities using the other M & M colors.  Many of the pins I saw on Pinterest showed these snacks with an icing stem to make them look more like shamrocks.  In the end I chose not to using the icing because it didn’t harden and would make transport difficult.


What you’ll need:

  • Pretzels
  • M&M’s
  • Hershey Kisses
  • Parchment Paper
  • Writing Icing (optional)

Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

IMG_1941If you are looking for one specific color to work with, you have to dig through the bag first.

IMG_1943Lay out your pretzels on parchment paper.  We still do not have cooking gas, almost 9 MONTHS later, so I am still working with what I have and using my toaster oven for all cooking endeavors.

IMG_1944Place a Hershey Kiss in the center of each pretzel.  Bake at 200 for about 7 minutes.  You want the chocolate to be soft so you can easily put the M&M’s in place but you don’t want it to be melted.  As all ovens are different, keep an eye on your first batch.

IMG_1948After they cooled, I put them on a tray in the fridge to harden until I was ready to pack them up for the party.  I also used the mint M&M’s as another flavor option.
